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Jordan Sep 2003
This was a trip to Jordan for one week. My time was split evenly between diving and non-diving activities. Likewise the photos have also been split under the Travel and Underwater folders. You can jump directly to the underwater photos here. You can also find a report about the trip here.

 Typical Jordanian electrical plug  The bedouin camp at Wadi Rum  The bedouin camp at Wadi Rum  The bedouin camp at Wadi Rum  The bedouin camp at Wadi Rum  Brigette enjoys the water pipe...  Christian enjoys the water pipe...  I enjoy the water pipe...  The sun rises in the morning  Olga and Alice rise in the morning  Olga and Alice rise in the morning    Alice reflects  Petra:  Petra:  Petra:  Petra:  Petra:  Petra:     A whole series of buildings carved into the rock face   Petra is a huge site! After hours of walking I was glad to make my way back to the top like this!   Naturally coloured sandstone provides interesing coloured effects  View down into the desert

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