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Red Sea July 2005
A one week trip to the Red Sea. Route was Brothers, Elphinstone, Daedalis. Boat was Golden Dolphin

 Crocodile fish by night   Sea star by night   Sea needle  Tube worm   Lynn as we sat in a small cave watching the hammerheads  Cruising tuna.  Cruising turtle       Cruising Napoleon Wrasse  Docked at Big Brother  Docked at Big Brother  Taking a rest  Always so romantic  Destined to be added to the existing rubbish pile under the waves  Smoking the local stuff...  Watching the sunset  Don't try this at home kids...  Napoleon Wrasse cruises past...  Tuna combination      The obligatory moray shot...  The obligatory moray shot...  The obligatory moray shot...      Lynn hovers above  Obligatory stingray shot  Tube worm  Obligatory stingray shot

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