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Up one level Top index page » Lilly - The Yorkshire Terrier » Adulthood » General 2007
General 2007
General Lilly pictures that didn't seem to fit anywhere else in 2007

 Lilly taking a snooze  Lilly taking a snooze  Lilly taking a snooze  Lilly takes a rest on the sofa  Lilly takes a rest on the sofa  Lilly at play in the garden  Lilly scampers around outside  Lilly's playmate Tomi  Lilly and Tomi at play  Lilly and Tomi at play  Lilly resting behind Lynn's leg  Lilly - after just having her teeth pulled is still a little tired and cold after the sedative.  Lilly - after just having her teeth pulled is still a little tired and cold after the sedative.  Lilly - after just having her teeth pulled is still a little tired and cold after the sedative.  Lilly - after just having her teeth pulled is still a little tired and cold after the sedative.  Lilly - after just having her teeth pulled is still a little tired and cold after the sedative.  Lilly's nose  Lilly attempts to take over Tomi's house - but not without a fight.  Lilly doesn't really do mornings...  Lilly doesn't really do mornings...  Lilly having a snooze with one of her toys - a lobster  Lilly doesn't really do mornings...

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