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Up one level Top index page » Lilly - The Yorkshire Terrier » Puppy-hood » General
Pictures of Lilly as a puppy that don't fit anywhere else.

 Play time.  Play time.  Play time.  Lilly takes Lynn for a walk at the Uetliberg.  Racing around by the Uetliberg  Racing around by the Uetliberg  Racing around by the Uetliberg  Racing around by the Uetliberg  Lilly meets a neighbour's poodle. A fairly typical reaction from Lilly.  Just after her haircut.    Lilly took a little while to adjust to puppy play-school.  Lilly took a little while to adjust to puppy play-school.  The neighbour's cat playing Lilly's favourite game of  Lilly on my lap. My birthday lunch.   Lilly quickly exhausts two staffordshire terriers belonging to a friend of mine.   He's never seen anything like Lilly before...  Lilly trying to get as close to the cat without actually being hit.  Cat just doesn't see the same thrill in the game as Lilly does.

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